Training in Embodied Systemic Coaching
Which surround, shape us and often pressurise usWhat is Embodied systemic Coaching?
Embodied Systemic Coaching aims to help us:
- Reconnect to a fuller sense of ourselves and of our meaning and purpose
- Reconnect more fully with other people and
- Reconnect to a more complete sense of the natural world and our innate interdependence with the environment
- Reconnect with our focus and professional aspirations
It offers an opportunity for individuals to partner with a coach and identify their strengths and explore their dreams for their professional and personal life. It supports us to build upon our strengths in order to reach for the stars and achieve our aspirations.
With the help of a coach, we can become more creative and proactive in designing our own lives and in taking care of the systems and environment around us.
We draw on the wisdom of all our intelligences – our intuitive, emotional and embodied intelligences, as well as our brain power.
We pay particular attention to the context in which we live and work as well as organisational and family systems which surround and shape us.
We offer a full training in embodied systemic coaching – which leads to optional accreditation as a professional coach with the ICF (International Coaching Federation).

What is our Training in Embodied Systemic Coaching?
Overall, the training offers an introduction to systemic and embodied coaching and Social Presencing Theatre with practical application to your work and home setting.
The year-long training consists of 3 modules of 42 hours each – making a total of 126 hours.
The three modules are integrated into an overall whole; and yet stand alone as complete experiences in themselves. You can attend Module 1 without obligation to do Modules 2 and 3. A special discount is offered to those who do commit to the full 3 modules.
The description of each of the modules is given below and a detailed leaflet giving locations, topics, delivery methods, dates, contact details, etc. will be is sent to all those who want to find out more.
Module 1 of Training in Embodied Systemic Coaching
What’s included in this module:
- two short online sessions over a 3-month period
- one 3 day in-person workshop
- coaching practice (organised in small groups for the convenience of the participants) and observed coaching practice
- individual webinar and course work (self-organised at your own convenience)
- 42 hours of training overall

Module 1 Topics
- Introductory exploration: What is coaching and what in particular is embodied systemic coaching?
- Introduction to the 4 primary ways of knowing: our intellectual or cognitive, intuitive, emotional and embodied intelligences
- The transformative process and power of actively including intuitive, emotional and embodied intelligences in coaching and facilitating
- Introduction to the core skills and competencies of coaching – in theory and in practice
- Demonstration coaching sessions and identification of core coaching competencies used
- Initial practice in coaching and the skills of coaching
- Introductions to context and systems
- Introduction to and practice of various approaches to conceptualising and mapping systems in the context of coaching (including Theory U and 4-d mapping)
- Shaping and completing a coaching session
- Arrangements for more practicing together in between sessions
Module 2 of Training in Embodied Systemic Coaching
What’s included in this module:
- two short online sessions over a 3-month period
- one 3-day in-person workshop
- coaching practice and observed coaching practice
- individual webinar and course work (self-organised at your own convenience)
- active creative learning methods which are engaging and fun
- meeting in small support and practice groups
- 42 hours of training overall

Module 2 Topics
- Review of content, skills and process taught in Module 1
- Attention to feelings in coaching – balanced with awareness of common cultural reluctance to share feelings
- Deeper understanding and application of core skills of coaching competencies
- Demonstration coaching session with more focussed identification of ICF core coaching competencies
- Practice embodied systemic coaching session which integrates attention to mapping systems and to the wit and wisdom of embodied, intuitive and emotional approaches
- Identification of ICF core coaching competencies by an ICF-trained evaluator and marker
- Introduction to further methods and creative approaches to coaching and mapping eg constellations including using post-its, natural objects etc.
- Diving deep and having fun
- Introduction to ICF Code of Ethics and Statement of Justice and Discrimination
- Introduction to the nature of unconscious bias and the need for vigilance in matters of justice and to the importance of the impact of context upon the coaching process
- Need for timing, shaping and completing coaching and training sessions
- Invitation for feedback and suggestions
Module 3 of Training in Embodied Systemic Coaching
What’s included in this module:
- two short online sessions over a 3-month period
- one 3 day in-person workshop
- coaching practice and observed coaching practice
- individual webinar and course work (self-organised at your own convenience)
- active creative methods which are engaging and fun
- 42 hours of training overall

Module 3 Topics
- Reconnects the group and reviews content, skills and process taught in previous modules
- Deeper understanding and application of ICF core coaching competencies
- Demonstration of coaching session with more focussed identification of ICF core coaching competencies and ICF markers
- Impact of contect, climate and social justice upon coaching practice
- Observed coaching practice which integrates attention to mapping systems and to the wit and wisdom of embodied, intuitive and emotional approaches – as well as to the ICF core coaching competencies
- Observation is done by an ICF-trained evaluator and marker
- Introduction to further methods of mapping including constellations using people as representatives and imaginary representatives
- Explication of journey to ICF accreditation
- Introduction to and arrangements for ICF mentor coaching
- Need to shape and co-shape coaching sessions, training courses and stages of training
- Partnering in coaching and in provision of training
- Invitation for final feedback and suggestions
General details concerning our training
Our training is offered in the following formats:
- Fully online (by arrangement)
- In-person immersive workshop with 2 short online meetings, online coaching practice and some self-directed webinar and course work
- Hybrid
All programmes are delivered in English. Participants whose second language is English are very welcome.
Locations of educational offerings
- Online training is naturally offered in a way that transcends location.
- Locations for in-person training are variable according to the requests for training that we receive e.g. we have offered many online trainings in the area of Bath in the UK and we have also offered in-person trainings in a local community farm near Bristol in the UK, in a retreat centre in Bali, and in centres in France and Portugal.
The number of contact hours is:
- 42 for each module
- Total 126 overall

The delivery methods include:
- Presentation and Teaching – with accompanying slides available
- Teaching of various key concepts including: definition of coaching; 4 ways of knowing; our CLEAR model of coaching; the ICF core coaching competencies; Creative and experiential methods for exploring topics brought by clients, including mapping, embodiment, enactment and sculpting, 4d mapping, constellations etc.
- Demonstration of coaching and coaching competencies
- Identification of coaching competencies used in demonstration and practice coaching sessions
- Practice in pairs and trios
- Small group discussion, exploration and practice
- Observed coaching practice with peer feedback
- Observed coaching practice with feedback from ICF qualified evaluator and markers
Dates & locations:
See Calendar page for dates.
Intended participants
All those with an interest in coaching and a particular interest in embodied systemic approaches to coaching and facilitating.
Prerequisites for enrolment:
Completion of enrolment form/email and conversation with one of our trainers to help you explore how well our course fits your interests and needs.
Contact emails:
Admin, enquiries, registration, payments : Sonja Francis
To find out more or discuss the course : Jenny Mackewn