Offering the Service of Embodied Systemic Coaching


We offer embodied systemic coaching with a range of coaches who have successfully completed our specialist training in embodied systemic coaching and who therefore have great skills in both verbal and creative methods of exploring the things you might want to explore in coaching sessions.

In embodied systemic coaching the coach partners with you, in order to identify your strengths and dreams for your professional and personal life. The coach supports you to build upon your strengths and to achieve your aspirations. Our unique embodied systemic approach pays particular attention to context and, to the wisdom of the body and of the intuition. It uses both familiar talking and conversation plus active and creative experiential methods of exploring – such as creating inner and outer maps, embodiment, enactment and sculpting, 4d mapping, constellations etc.

Full support is given to understand the value, the delight, and the fun of these creative methods.

Both in-person and online coaching are available – depending upon your location.

For more information, please contact our administrator Sonja Francis

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