Jenny Mackewn
My work centres on training people for leadership in a volatile, complex and ecologically stressed world and in helping us all to nurture and develop our creative interconnection in the face of many challenges as well as joys.
I work systemically, identifying issues inside people, in personal relationships, in work situations and in the wider community and natural world.
My aim is to play my part in healing disconnection, in unlocking creative flow and in helping reconnect divides between self and others, ourselves and the natural world, and between ourselves and deeper meaning and purpose.
I have decades of experience in corporate environments, the public sector and the environment.
I’m available for coaching and consulting.
I encourage you to investigate my training programmes for future leaders, facilitators and coaches.
Co-creating a new generation of leaders in the service of the future
Let's co-create a better world
I’m passionate about people and our more-than-human planet.
Please join me and have my support in your life’s adventure.