by Patrick Self | Feb 28, 2023
Training in Embodied Systemic Coaching Which surround, shape us and often pressurise us What is Embodied systemic Coaching? Embodied Systemic Coaching aims to help us: Reconnect to a fuller sense of ourselves and of our meaning and purpose Reconnect more fully with...
by Jenny MacKewn | Mar 8, 2017
The Facilitator Development Adventure Deepen your engagement with Nature-Connected Facilitation & the Work That Reconnects led by Jenny Mackewn, Chris Johnstone and Kirsti Norris What Deepen your skills in facilitating transformative processes in the service of life...
by Jenny MacKewn | Mar 8, 2017
Co-creating the Emerging Future A certificate in Leadership and Facilitation led by Jenny Mackewn, with Satish Kumar, Rob Hopkins, Dan Burgess and Tim “Mac” Macartney, plus Bill Plotkin and Martin Shaw online What Develop and practice leadership and...